Upskilling: Building confidence in an uncertain world - PwC
74% of CEOs are concerned about the availability of key skills
Start Reskilling your Workforce Now - McKinsey
Adapting employees’ skills and roles to the post-pandemic ways of working will be crucial to building operating-model resilience.
The Trust Factor - Columbia Business School
Five ways leaders can maintain a high level of trust during a crisis.
9 Tips for Dealing With Uncertainty & Anxiety Right Now - CCL
Tips based on research, for dealing with uncertainty and anxiety.
10 Guidelines for Creating Opportunities in a Time of Crisis - Wharton
Every crisis contains the seeds of opportunity.
Organizational Effectiveness goes Digital - PwC
New technologies offer leaders an agile way to assess their company’s health and embark on improvement.
Three Elements for Successful Virtual Working (L. Gratton)
As leaders, we have the chance to set the tone right now by focusing on social needs, work rhythms and the right technology.
The Rise of the AI-Powered Company in the Postcrisis World (BCG)
Global shocks bring moments of truth and companies that make bold moves during challenging times can turn adversity into advantage.
COVID-19: Encourage Gratitude in the Workplace
Gratitude is particularly important during times of change, precisely because change cannot be done alone. It can be defined as a...
COVID-19: Guardrails To Help You Climb
WIth COVID-19, it is important to disrupt ourselves. That is how we grow. The question today is, what do we do? What do we do? Do we give...